Tussen al deze bedrijvigheid door, vond ik wat tijd om deze kleine dingetjes te haken:
pompoentje voor zus
Pumpkin for my sister
Wat doe je als je niet kan slapen? Schaapjes tellen, maar deze is blijven hangen ;)

What do you do, when you can't get to sleep? Count sheep, but this one got stuck ;)
Een muisje voor ons Lola, zoals je kan zien vindt ze hem geweldig.
A mouse for our Lola, as you can see, she loves him to bits.
Hi everyone, I'm still here, but September was so busy, the start of the new school year, our daughter went for the first time to secundairy school, and our son also went to a new school, so you can see, why it was hectic over here. But now we are a month older and everything is settled, and the routine is back.
Between all those busy days I found some time to make these little things:
Tot de volgende keer
See you next time